Thermography is a technique of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) based on infrared image acquisition (heat). It is possible to determine the temperature of a surface by measuring the emitted infrared radiation; in fact, the camera does not produce any radiation itself, but it captures that of the surrounding objects. As the result is not visible to the naked eye, heat is one of the signals of the course of a phenomenon in place; it may be physiological, or integrate the intensification value of a defect, leading, in the worst case, to structural failure.
The camera does not produce any radiation itself, but it captures that of the surrounding objects.
Thermography in the building field
The trend in the construction field is improving the environments in which we live, through the use of updated techniques and materials, contributing to a greater level of comfort while saving energy.
The main objective of a Thermographic Analysis is to identify faults (or what qualities) affecting the wall, the structure, or the electrical equipment that you are looking at, and discerning what corrective actions may be performed.
Thermography should be exploited in close collaboration with the programs of restructuring and energy audits, in order to understand the dynamic behavior of buildings, in addition to collective knowledge based on drawings and calculations in static conditions.
In the building field, thermography enables the following:
- Buildings Energy Audits (support and complement to the analytical view)
- Buildings Conservation verification
- Faults identified prior to severe occurrences
- Mapping of accumulated damage
In particular, we must highlight:
- Heat detection and heat loss bridges
- Water infiltration
- Leakage, or air loss
- Increasing moisture accumulation, dampness
- Mapping of leakage of underlying and foundation systems
- Defects of the “coat ” and in the insulation in general